metaphor / met·uh·fawr/ noun - A literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible or intangible thing, quality or idea.
meta / met·uh/ adjective - self-referential; referring to itself or its characteristics.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Boom goes the dynamite

Ever feel like you're making an absolute idiot of yourself?

This guy definitely knows the feeling:

Sometimes I feel like that, too. Like I've bitten off more than I can chew and each step I take is taking me further into a swamp that I can't get out of on my own.

I feel like this about some interactions with people I know. I feel like this when I get behind on my household chores. And I feel like this just a few days before completing this month-long challenge to myself.

Seriously, this last week and a half has been a struggle. I am having flashbacks to college midterms and finals. Each midnight deadline (or early evening deadline, on Sundays) is a race to the finish, but before I can even start, I have to find my shoes and socks!

But, maybe just like Brian Collins of Boom Goes the Dynamite fame, I will push through the horrifying awkwardness of my own inabilities and spew out an absolute gem that will be remembered years afterward.

I can only hope... and trust that I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.

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