metaphor / met·uh·fawr/ noun - A literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible or intangible thing, quality or idea.
meta / met·uh/ adjective - self-referential; referring to itself or its characteristics.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Imagine forever, never alone

I had a vision last month.

In my vision, I was surrounded by a dozen bright angels, but they were all facing away from me. They seemed to be ignoring me, turning away from my pleas for help. All around me I could hear whispers telling me things about myself, things that made me feel awful. I began crying, and I desperately wanted comfort. And these angels didn't seem to care how broken and alone I was.

Then I thought of seeking comfort elsewhere. I tried leaving the angels, but they had formed a tight barricade around me. I felt like a prisoner in that circle of light. I even started suspecting that these angels were saying all the terrible things about me. I couldn't see their faces, so I couldn't rule out that possibility.

Gradually, my eyes grew more acclimated to the light around me. I began to see that more was going on than I first thought. I couldn't see anything of substance beyond the angels. In fact, it seemed like I would be in complete darkness if they weren't there.

And they weren't just standing. The group of them were revolving around me, making dramatic motions that looked quite strange from behind. It might have been an angelic version of the Macarena.

Just as sound travels behind light, my ears were opened to the truth only after my eyes had led them. I began to hear the flinch-worthy sounds of battle.

These angels weren't dancing; they were fighting to protect me!

A swarm of writhing, screeching, gnawing, biting demons was clawing its way toward me, but all of the demons were held back by this wonderful barrier of angels all around me. Not one demon was able to reach me. Not one of them could even catch a glimpse of me. I was safe from their touch, and safe from their gaze.

I couldn't get out, and nothing else could get in.

I was honored and humbled at once. To be so important that a guard of angels fought to protect me, yet so helpless that I couldn't raise my own sword in defense.

In the shock of seeing, hearing and understanding what was going on, I had forgotten about the whispers. As I calmed down, They began to reach me again.

But now, I knew where they were coming from. Insults, gripes, pessimistic foretellings, reminders of failed friendships and injustices... the demons were behind them all. Because they could not touch me, they shouted insults my way. The enemy lashed out with words to spite the words my creator spoke to give me life. And because I was blinded to their presence, I felt alone and worthless.

But when I realized all of this, the flame of their words dwindled and fell like ash.

And I realized something else.

I am never alone.

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