metaphor / met·uh·fawr/ noun - A literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible or intangible thing, quality or idea.
meta / met·uh/ adjective - self-referential; referring to itself or its characteristics.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Full-circle: The Transcendence of God (Video post)

Have you ever come across an old journal entry or school project of yours and realized that you haven't come that far after all? Have you maybe realized that some of the ideas expressed are far different from the ones you have now... and then wished that you still thought that way or believed that way?

I had that experience a couple of months ago. I was roaming through old files on my computer... I have each semester's work in its own folder, saved up for posterity, I suppose. Some of the files are absolute rubbish... but some are gems that I forgot I'd hidden.

This gem was a silly, cheesy, low-quality video for my Basic Christian Beliefs class in spring 2010. It was one of the very few team projects I've done that worked out beautifully. My teammates got to go ask questions to get footage, and I got to explain this idea about God... this diagram that had been rolling around in my head... It was a win-win. We all had fun, and we all got an A.

The term "full-circle" is both apt and ironic right now... because in one sense, I've come full-circle from being obsessed with this diagram to kind of forgetting about it for awhile to being a bit obsessed with it again. And it's also about a circle... which also contains an eternity symbol and comes in contact with a line. Okay, I'm a nerd.

And so, without further ado, here is the silly video, unchanged from when we submitted it... in three parts. Yep. This is amateur stuff right here... but I am still amazed at how relevant it still is.

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