metaphor / met·uh·fawr/ noun - A literary figure of speech that uses an image, story or tangible thing to represent a less tangible or intangible thing, quality or idea.
meta / met·uh/ adjective - self-referential; referring to itself or its characteristics.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Knowing and believing

Scientists say humans speak an average of 10,000 words in a day. I guarantee you that on any given day at least one of those words will be a form of the root "know" or "believe."

I often pause before saying either of those two, because in my mind, there is a subtle but important difference between them. Whoever I'm talking to may not notice a slightly different shade of meaning, but I'm a stickler for being as accurate as I can be.

"I know this as a fact" versus "Yes, I believe that is true" is a very crucial division that can mean the difference between ending a discussion amicably or parting as enemies. Making the effort to consciously communicate that you don't hold all the answers works wonders toward actually convincing people that what you have to say might actually be valid.

On another level of interaction, think of what line makes someone feel more confident: "I know you." versus "I believe in you."

Belief wins, again.

And here's why I believe it does: belief is an investment. Knowledge, on the other hand, is an accumulation. One gives, while the other takes.

So, consider being a more giving person today. I believe you'll enjoy the benefits.

Friday, January 2, 2015

A Wild Thought Appears

As I huddle
in front of my laptop
on my bed
space heater blasting
heat blanket toasting
kitty nearby
wrapped up in his own tail

think to myself
"This is not such a bad life"
I am blessed
Like the cat, I have food to eat and a roof over my head
unlike the cat, I've had to work for that food and that roof
I am blessed
to be in such a city, in such a country
where I can afford my basic expenses
and then some
Oh yes,
and then some

So I do not worry anymore
about tomorrow
for tomorrow
take care of itself

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Times gone by and Times to come

Well, it's a new year now. I've got a blank book to fill now with 364 more gloriously pristine pages. Now, will I fill them with beautiful pictures and warm fuzzy thoughts, or soil them with furiously scribbled out attempts and mistakes? Who knows... but either way, It's my book to fill, and by December 31, 2015, it will be like the last one - complete.

Speaking of last year, I think it was a pretty good one. There were definitely a lot of transitions in 2014, but they were fairly well spaced out so it wasn't quite as overwhelming as previous years have been for me.

Here were some major developments:
  • My first full-time job
  • My first freelance job in a long time
  • Finally finding a church I can call home
  • Switching bedrooms
  • Becoming a board member of the local Swing Dance Society
  • Getting a new roommate, losing an old roommate, and getting a new roommate again (who used to be an old roommate)
  • Rediscovering my personality type by re-examining my cognitive functions
All of these developments have far-reaching implications that will continue to affect me in this new year, and that is fantastic. But with each new development, I must find a way to improve how I interact with the world.

So, here are some New Year's resolutions!
     Image courtesy of
  • I'm going to get my sleep schedule back on track. I don't know entirely how right now, but this needs to happen. I've been losing far too much sleep because of my crazy holiday schedule (retail is the worst possible sector to work in over the holidays, by the way), and I need to take back control so that I can function better while awake.
  • I want to recreate some of my old pieces of art (or just one in particular that has some sentimental value) to see how much my drawing skills have improved.
  • I am going to use my healthcare plan for all it's worth. I have dental work that needs taken care of, I need to have my thyroid and vision checked, and I might look into seeing a counselor for a couple of lingering issues I'd like to resolve. I'm very thankful for being full-time with health insurance right now. No matter how much free-time I'm sacrificing in the short term, it's going to be worth it in the long-term.
So these are my resolutions. Not a long list, I know, but I think it's fairly manageable. I've set some lofty goals and some very realistic ones, so there's some balance to it.

Stay tuned, it's gonna be a great year!